Expert-Tools for System and Safety Engineering

This page compiles some software tools and concepts in which we see good potential to increase efficiency in your system engineering process. The list – alphabetically ordered by the tool-names – does not claim to be complete and only reflects our personal impression and experience.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about these solutions!

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The embedded links point to the tool entry pages of vendors sites:

arKItect by Knowledge Inside

arKItect SEA

SEA is an platform configuration for Systems Engineering. So it benefits of the advantages of platform and approach to system thinking and modeling, see platform (see platform and designer page). arKItect SEA covers fully Systems Engineering Core processes: Operational Analysis Requirement Management Functional Architecture Physical Architecture Document or structured information generation toward downstream processes and feedback import.

Cockpit by Cognition

Product Development Risk Management | Cognition Corporation

Risk Management is necessary to ensure device usability, safety, and regulatory compliance. FDA’s quality system regulation is intended to give manufacturers “the flexibility to determine the controls that are necessary to be commensurate with risk.” FDA does not define what risk analysis method should be used, only that some method must be used in the design phase.

ESCAPE by 3e-Motion


Integrated functional engineering

MADe by PHM Technology

Failure Mode & Effects Analysis Software Criticality Analysis MADe | PHM Technology

MADe Software offers integrated technical analysis capabilities that significantly reduce the cost of identifying, analyzing & mitigating potential system failures.

RODON by Combitech

Combitech Rodon™

Kraven på att korta time-to-market för nya produkter blir allt högre i den globala konkurrensen. Men kortare tid får inte gå ut över produktens säkerhet och tillförlitlighet. Hittills har dessa felanalyser krävt stort mått av manuellt och tidskrävande arbete som försenar produktlansering och ökar risken för felkonstruktion.

Stimulus by Argosim

Free Trial – ARGOSIM

Download the STIMULUS installer for Windows© and follow the instructions to get your licence key during the software installation procedure. Getting started with the tutorial will allow you to simulate your first requirements in just minutes.

Xplorer by ESI

ESI launches ESI-Xplorer, Systems Modeling Solution Integrated into its Visual-Environment platform

Enabling engineers to manage increasingly complex systems early in the product development lifecycle

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